Monday, October 10, 2011

Don't Worry;Be Happy

I took the tour of Lincoln University today. Unfortunately, I don't think God is calling me to go there. In a way I'm sad about this. I was looking forward to moving back "home" and going to school in a familiar surrounding. But, as always, God's way isn't my way. So, I continue to make my new home in Romeoville......

I am feeling overwhelmed by God's presence today. Driving down the street, as I see the leaves falling, I am remided that time doesn't stop. Life continues to move, no matter how hard I try to stop it.

But that's okay.

I'm reminded that in times of complete stress and chaos, I am to be still, and wait. I need to take time away from any and all distractions. and listen. I feel like the Lord is constantly pulling at my heart, to step away from everything, and listen to Him. I need to stop trying to do this on my own, and put my trust in Him alone

I am in love with my new camera......and my dad's pretty jealous of it, which is always nice:)
I've been taking some pictures lately, and I realize that as I take pictures, I feel peace. I think I may start taking pictures on the side. Deffinitely nothing serious, just a hobby in my spare time.

This has, and probably always will be my favorite spot in town during fall. I am completely in love with. I look down this street, and feel 5 again. I'm reminded of playing in the leaves. I'm reminded of a much easier time in life. I'm happy.

So for tonight, I am going to be still. I'm going to enjoy life with my family, and try to forget about my future. I'm going to ignore the stress caused by trying to make a decision. And for tonight, I'm just going to live.

I'm going to live
Be happy

Saturday, October 8, 2011


According to Merriam-Webster dictionary, a journey is defined as an act or instance of traveling from one place to another. So in order to be on a journey, one must be moving. Traveling. Changing. Life is nothing but a journey. Daily I am reminded of this journey I am in. It is never the same. It is constantly changing.

When someone runs a race, they tend to run at their own comfortable pace. Right? If someone is crazy like my mother, they would probably run a little bit faster than someone, like, Life isn't like that. We have to hold on, and run with it.

Inevitably, there are times in life when the road we are on gets bumpy. There are a zillion hills in our way, along with rocks the size of Texas. We begin to fall short of breath, and that little voice inside our heads creep in telling us to just end the race. That we should just give up, because we just aren't strong enough to get to the finish line. And then there are days when we thought the road couldn't be any more perfect. Free of hills, or rocks the size of Texas. Free of any obstacles or things that might make us want to give up. Our confidence has never been better, and we feel as though we could take on the world. Life is forever.changing.

I find comfort in the fact that I don't have to run this race by myself. There is never a moment when I am left out there to run this race alone(although, believe me. I sure do feel like it sometimes).

Jesus never said this would be an easy race. He never said it would be a race free of hills, or rocks. He never said that we wouldn't doubt ourselves from time to time. But, He did say that He would be there with us. Holding our hands. Guiding us. Walking with us.

I leave you with some lyrics of a song by Pocket Full of Rocks. I pray that they speak to you just as they do to me.<3
 "And day by day, I'm fiding out just a little more. Just exactly what this journey is for. It is to love You. Hold You. Touch You. Call you my own."  <-----link to the video for the song. Falling by Pocket Full of Rocks)

Friday, October 7, 2011


You know what drives me crazy? This indian summer. Fall is normally my favorite time of the year, along with summer, winter and spring:) But when it's 80+ degrees outside in October, I get a little frustrated. I look out side and see orange on the trees, leaves all over the ground, and I expect to see sweatshirts, and hot chocolate. But nooooo, not now. I'm still wearing shorts, and flip flops! (But I still thank the Lord for it)

I bought a new camera from Wal-Mart today. I had one, but the screen decided not to turn on with the camera, and I was in desperate need of a new one. So I saved my money, and bought a new one. Pretty cool how that works, huh? :) So you can expect to see all my pretty pictures on here. Kinda like the flower up there^^^

I take a tour of Lincoln Christian University on Monday. I'm pretty excited. I get to stay with Erika Sunday night, and then see her during the day. I may or may not being going there in the spring. I'm currently torn between two schools, and there quite a few of factors that determine my decision. But for now, I am quiet, and waiting on the Lord. I know this isn't my decision to make, and I'm expecting Him to move soon. But whenever He does, I'll be listening.

At work, we are already getting all our Christmas product, which is perfectly fine with me. I love, love, love the holidays. I love Thanksgiving. I love Christmas. I love all the family time. I love the snow. I love the music. I love the lights and decorations. I love the food. Did I mention I love the holidays??

I think I'm finished with my first post:) So ta ta for now my friends